Category Archives: Uncategorized

Donald Trump is Wrong on Dairy Policies

By: Anthony Pahnke, vice president of Family Farm Defenders Published on July 6th, 2018, Capital Times (Madison, WI) President Donald Trump is wrong on dairy because he supports free trade. At first, this may appear incorrect, especially with the … Continue reading

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Real Solutions to the Dairy Crisis – Binational Media Conference Call Held Tues. May 9th, 2018

Family Farm Defenders and the National Family Farm Coalition, along with many allies, hosted a binational media conference call on Tues. May 9th tackling real solutions to the dairy crisis. Over two dozen journalists participated in the call, and the … Continue reading

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Family Farmers, Fishers and Food Workers Urge Eaters Everywhere to Contact Their Elected Officials and Demand Food Sovereignty NOW to Commemorate April 17th – the International Day of Peasant Struggle

For immediate release – April 16, 2018Contact: John Peck (608.345.3918), Anthony Pahnke (612.916.9148) Lisa Griffith (773.319.5838) On April 17th each year, members of La Via Campesina – the largest umbrella organization in the world for family farmers, fisher and herder … Continue reading

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Why Family Farmers Must Stand in Solidarity With Our Immigrant Sisters and Brothers and Oppose AB 190

Statement by:  John E. Peck, Executive Director, Family Farm Defenders People’s Hearing Against Anti-Immigrant Bill AB 190 – Wisconsin State Capitol Wed.  9/27/2017 Imagine being dragged from your home by armed men, beaten, and then thrown behind bars to await … Continue reading

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Sixth Annual John Kinsman Beginning Farmer Food Sovereignty Prize will be Awarded by Family Farm Defenders to Eduardo Rivera of Sin Fronteras Farm and Food on Sat. March 11th 6:00 pm at UW-Madison’s Union South as Part of the Food Sovereignty Symposium and Festival!

For Immediate Release: 3/3/17   Contact: John E. Peck, executive director, Family Farm Defenders #608-260-0900 Sixth Annual John Kinsman Beginning Farmer Food Sovereignty Prize will be Awarded by Family Farm Defenders to Eduardo Rivera of Sin Fronteras Farm and Food … Continue reading

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