Author Archives: admin

Save the Date! – Sun. Dec. 12th 3:00 pm (CDT) FFD Annual Mtg followed at 5:00 pm (CDT) 2021 John Kinsman Beginning Farmer Food Sovereignty Prize Ceremony!

To accommodate as many folks as safely as possible, this year’s event will be a hybrid, both in-person and online. The in-person version will be at the Branding Iron Roadhouse (32 S. Main St., Lime Ridge, WI) The online virtual … Continue reading

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For the Rights of Humans and Nature, Line 3 Fight Must Continue!

By: Anthony Pahnke, vice president of Family Farm Defenders, and assistant professor of international relations at San Francisco State University in San Francisco. Originally published by the Cap Times (Madison, WI) on Aug. 28th, 2021 People who grow and harvest … Continue reading

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F-35s, Toxic Sludge, and PFAS – Oh My! The Sorry Legacy of the Military Industrial Complex

F-35s, Toxic Sludge, and PFAS – Oh My! The Sorry Legacy of the Military Industrial Complex By: John E. Peck, executive director, Family Farm Defenders Version of this article will be appearing in the Summer 2021 FFD Defenders Newsletter As … Continue reading

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Family Farm Defenders Joins 300+ Other Allies to Oppose the U.N. Food System Summit (UNFSS)!

Family Farm Defenders joins the global call to action demanding #FoodSystems4People! Over 300 global civil society organizations of small-scale food producers, researchers and Indigenous Peoples’ will gather online (July 25-28) to protest against the UN Food Systems Pre-Summit. The People’s Counter-Mobilization … Continue reading

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Billions for Farmers of Color Isn’t Racist – It’s Smart and Long Overdue

The failures of the food system during the pandemic showed us that the corporate-consolidated mode of farming inflexible and wasteful. By: Anthony Pahnke, vice president of Family Farm Defenders, and Jim Goodman, retired dairy farmer and FFD board member Originally … Continue reading

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