Author Archives: admin

How Progressive Farming Groups Are Pushing Biden and Congress – A growing battle to push back against Big Ag

By Celia Wexler, Blue Tent, 3/17/2021 Tucked into the massive American Rescue Plan law is a provision that will deliver $5 billion to Black farmers, for decades the victims of discrimination by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. That addition to … Continue reading

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Make food more equitable through antitrust laws

By: Anthony Pahnke, vice president of Family Farm Defenders and assistant professor of international relations at San Francisco State University. Originally published by TheHill on March 4th, 2021 From destroying perfectly good food due to supply chain bottlenecks, to farmworkers … Continue reading

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Open FFD Letter to Pres. Biden and the US Congress- It is Time to Normalize Relations with Cuba and Work Together Against COVID!

Family Farm Defenders has a long tradition of fraternal relationships with the people of Cuba, and specifically, Cuban farmers. Both past FFD President, John Kinsman, and past FFD member, Randy Jasper, visited Cuba several times and witnessed the success of … Continue reading

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Family Farm Defenders Stands in Solidarity with Striking Indian Farmers to Oppose Modi’s Neoliberal Corporate Agribusiness Agenda

On this Jan. 18th 2021 as India celebrates National Women Farmers Day and the U.S. celebrates Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Family Farm Defenders wishes to express solidarity with our sisters and brothers in India as they continue their struggle … Continue reading

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How Vilsack Should Use His Second Chance

The problems he struggled with during his first stint as agriculture secretary, from corporate concentration to racism, have not gone away. by Anthony Pahnke, FFD Vice President Published by the Progressive, December 15, 2020 It’s not often that politicians get … Continue reading

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