Category Archives: Food Sovereignty

New GE Wheat Poses Risks for Farmers and the Environment

By: Anthony Pahnke, Vice President of the Family Farm Defenders and Assistant Professor of International Relations at San Francisco State University, and Jim Goodman repurposed dairy farmer from Wonewoc, Wisconsin and board President of the National Family Farm Coalition. Originally … Continue reading

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Ban corporations from farmland purchases, promote food security

By: Anthony Pahnke, FFD vice president and an associate professor of international relations at San Francisco State University. Originally published in the Hill, 8/6/23 Food security is national security. That has been one justification used by some legislators, from North … Continue reading

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Solutions to Replace the Destructive International Neoliberal Agricultural System

By: George Naylor, FFD board member and IA organic farmer (with his wife Patti) Originally published by Counterpunch, May 5th, 2023 I dream up new utopias every day. After all, life, harmonious with Mother Nature and our fellow human beings, … Continue reading

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Corporate profits outweigh health, culture and livelihood

Forcing GMO corn on Mexico is part of destructive, pro-corporate U.S. policy By: Jim Goodman, retired organic dairy farmer, board member of Family Farm Defenders, and board president of National Family Farm Coalition. Published by the Wisconsin Examiner, 3/13/2023 As … Continue reading

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It’s Time to Realize the Farm Bill’s Transformative Potential

Despite the legislation’s relatively low profile, the Farm Bill deserves serious consideration from nearly everyone, including our politicians. By Anthony Pahnke, FFD vice president and Originally published by Common Dreams, 3/1/2023 When the Farm Bill appears for debate in Congress … Continue reading

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