Fundraiser for Gaza – FFD is Offering Palestine Solidarity Seed Packs for Spring 2025!

As we all know, the ceasefire in Gaza is just the beginning and the future of the region still depends on international solidarity. You can grow hope and change in your garden and help us raise funds in this critical moment. Proceeds will benefit the Stop Gaza Starvation Campaign of the Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UWAC), a Palestinian member of La Via Campesina (LVC). Our suggested donation is $50 and includes shipping.

The Palestine Seed Solidarity Pack includes

Four types of heirloom seeds:

  • Britijan Battari eggplant
  • Small Jadu’i watermelon,
  • Kousa summer squash,
  • Yakteen gourd  PLUS:
  • UAWC’s Food Sovereignty ‘zine
  • FFD’s “Food is not a Weapon” Gaza Solidarity Statement
  • Latest Stop Gaza Starvation Update
  • Free Palestine button

You can make a secure online donation using the Mighty Cause donation button on our website or by sending a check to: Family Farm Defenders, P.O. Box 1772, Madison WI 53701

And, if you are placing an order, please email [email protected] to let us know where to send your solidarity package. It is time to grow peace in Palestine and beyond!

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