Author Archives: admin

Got Hay? Wisconsin Farmers Prepare Hay Lift in Solidarity with Struggling Ranchers in Drought Stricken Oklahoma

Update 9/9/11! Several truckloads with over 10 tons of hay have already been delivered to OK and TX, thanks to the generosity of Wisconsin family farmers and Teamster truck drivers, as well as coordination assistance from Farm Aid. More loads … Continue reading

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Farmers’ fate determined by corrupt markets and speculators as Justice Department sleeps

By: JOHN E. PECK, executive director, Family Farm Defenders Captimes (Madison, WI) – Sunday, August 14, 2011 Joel Greeno gets up early each morning to milk his 48 cows in the rolling hills near Kendall, Wis. He’s a young farmer … Continue reading

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Fight Over 5,000 Cow Factory Farm Moves to Court

Hundreds of local residents packed Adams meeting room to tell DNR of Richfield CAFO’s impact on environment and quality of life Media Contacts: John Peck, Family Farm Defenders, [email protected]. 608-260-0900 Bob Clarke, [email protected]. 608-296-1443 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 26, 2011 … Continue reading

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Pension Funds Key Player in Global Land Grab – Grain 6/29/11

Large scale agricultural land acquisitions are generating conflicts and controversies around the world. A growing body of reports show that these projects are bad for local communities and that they promote the wrong kind of agriculture for a world in … Continue reading

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Family Farm Defenders Seeks Nominations for the First Annual John Kinsman Beginning Farmer Food Sovereignty Prize – Deadline for Nominations is Fri. June 24th

For Immediate Release                                                                         6/8/11 Contacts: FFD Board Member, Rebecca Goodman  #608-489-2291 FFD Board Member, Hiroshi Kanno  #608-253-7266 FFD Executive Director, John Peck  #608-260-0900 Family Farm Defenders, a national farmer and consumer advocacy group, known and based … Continue reading

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