Author Archives: admin

Making a Statement With Our Tractors – If Wisconsin’s public-sector workers lose their collective bargaining rights, then dairy farmers will lose as well

By: Joel Greeno, Vice President of Family Farm Defenders and family dairy farmer near Kendall, WI Published by Other Words 5/9/11 Madison, Wisconsin is truly an amazing scene of beauty — as well as unprecedented political mobilization. Among the throngs … Continue reading

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No More Corrupt Cooperatives! – Land O’Lakes to Face Nationwide Farmer/Consumer/Faith Campaign

Several weeks ago, Family Farm Defenders along with many of our key allies, sent the following letter to Land O’Lakes.   We have yet to receive a formal response, which means we will be moving forward with our campaign to put … Continue reading

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Korea US Free Trade Agreement Another Cash Cow for Corporations

By: Jim Goodman, FFD board member and dairy farmer near Wonewoc, WI Published 4/11/11 by the Capital Times (Madison, WI) “We have to seek new markets aggressively, just as our competitors are. If America sits on the sidelines while other … Continue reading

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Remembering April 17th, Via Campesina’s International Day of Peasant Struggles, Through Defending Local Food and Building Community Self-Reliance in Maine

By. Bob St. Peter, Food for Maine’s Future and FFD board member Today, April 17, 2011, marks the 15th anniversary of the death of 19 Brazilian landless workers who were killed for using vacant land to grow their food. It’s … Continue reading

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Family Farmers to Protest Price Fixing Outside CME – Fri. April 15th 12:00 Noon, 141 W. Jackson in Chicago

To mark Via Campesina’s International Day of Peasant Struggle, family farmers and their allies will once again be converging on the doorstep of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) – 141 W. Jackson – at Noon on Fri. April 15th to … Continue reading

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