Category Archives: Factory Farms

Manure Digesters – Just Another False Solution That Makes Climate Injustice Worse

By John E. Peck – FFD executive director Published by Common Dreams, April 21st, 2024 There has been much media hype about manure digesters and how they will “solve” climate change by capturing and burning methane from confined animal feeding … Continue reading

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The Climate Crisis and the Future of the Beef Industry – Rebuilding the U.S. cattle herd is imperative for labor standards, climate stability and a just transition for meat worker

Guest Editorial by Dennis Olson, United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) (published online May 16, 2022) At its peak, Cargill’s beef plant in Plainview, Texas employed 2000 workers with good paying union jobs and generous benefits, collectively bargained with the … Continue reading

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Retailers Want to Own Farmers – CAFOs Fill the Bill

By: Jim Goodman, organic dairy/beef farmer near Wonewoc, WI, board member of Family Farm Defenders and new president of the National Family Farm Coalition As dairy farmers have seen many times in the past, a glut of milk has flooded … Continue reading

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‘‍Stink In’ protest brings visibility to CAFO concerns

By Jim Massey, Country Today, 11/16/2015 MADISON — Peo­ple op­posed to the ex­pan­sion of con­cen­trated an­i­mal feed­ing op­er­a­tions in Wis­con­sin brought their mes­sage to the state Capi­tol steps Nov. 7 with what they called a “Stink In” protest. About 100 … Continue reading

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Citizens shouldn’t have to force DNR to enforce water laws

By: Jim Goodman, Wonewoc, WI dairy farmer and FFD board member Captimes (Madison, WI), 11/13/14 Wisconsin has over 220 dairy concentrated animal feeding operations, CAFOs, and according to the Department of Natural Resources there are about 30 more applications pending. … Continue reading

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