Video of 10/15/14 Food Sovereignty Prize Ceremony in Des Moines, IA

Here is a link to a video of the Food Sovereignty Prize Award ceremony in Des Moines, IA on Wed. Oct. 15th

Food Sovereignty Prize Award | OccupierKaylynn | Bambu…

Broadcast by OccupierKaylynn on
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And here is the program of who spoke when!

7:00 PM   MCs Welcome everyone to the 6th Food Sovereignty Prize, thank the Gateway Dance Theatre, explain the program, and introduce the “mistica” to honor Charity Hicks and John Kinsman, the ancestors,   Yeshica Weerasekera and George Naylor

7:05 PM   Gateway Dancers sing and dance to open ceremony      

7:15 PM    Mistica honoring Charity Hicks and John Kinsman              Tristan Quinn-Thibodeau & Lisa Griffith
7:25 PM    Framing from USFSA/local ally    Mary Harrison & John Peck
7:45 PM    Introduction of C2C by MCs Yeshica Weerasekera and George Naylor
Award presented to C2C by Axel Fuentes, Jahi Chappel, Sharon Donovan
7:50 PM    Rosalinda and Patricio from C2C speak (with translation)              
8:10 PM    MCs thank C2C and introduce UAWC – Yeshica Weerasekera and George Naylor
Award presented to UAWC by Herschelle Milford, Daniel Maingi, Carolyn Walker, Adam Mason
8:15 PM     UAWC representative, Mr. Ali Abd ElRahman, speaks   
8:30 PM     Closing – Thank yous to Small Planet Fund, CCI, Occupy the World Food Prize, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, EcoWatch, and Gateway Dancers            Yeshica Weerasekera and George Naylor invite the winners, USFSA and local and international allies to the stage
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