Remembering April 17th, Via Campesina’s International Day of Peasant Struggles, Through Defending Local Food and Building Community Self-Reliance in Maine

By. Bob St. Peter, Food for Maine’s Future and FFD board member

Today, April 17, 2011, marks the 15th anniversary of the death of 19 Brazilian landless workers who were killed for using vacant land to grow their food. It’s not a happy anniversary, but the story behind it is one of hope. The 19 who died that day on a dirt road in Brazil at the hands of federal military police, and the three who died later from their wounds, were members of the Landless Workers Movement (MST). The MST is the largest social movement in Brazil and one of the most effective grassroots organizations in the world. Comprised of and led by poor urban and rural Brazilians, many of whom are displaced farmers and peasants, the MST has helped their members access land for growing food, for building schools and health care clinics, and for creating community centers for the resettlement of rural Brazil by working people. Their inspiring story can be found at

Food for Maine’s Future is proud to share allegiance with the MST through the global movement of small and medium-sized food producers, La Via Campesina.

In Maine, as in Brazil, small farmers, peasants, and rural people are working to put communities back together that have been broken and displaced by the loss of local industries. Much of the farming, forestry, and fishing industries in Maine have been dismantled and consolidated (or are in the process of being consolidated) into a small number of hands. The impact of this economic restructuring — from one of local production for local consumption and public benefit to one that largely extracts local resources for export and private profit — can be viewed along country roads throughout the state. What happened to the nearly 11,000 farms and farm families that have disappeared from Maine’s landscape since 1960?

We also see the impact during our town meetings when it’s clear there isn’t enough money to run our schools we way we would like. Or fulfill the growing number of requests for support from not-for-profit organizations struggling to provide support services to our neighbors in need.

The truly frustrating part is not that we don’t have enough money in our communities to ensure everyone a good, decent life. It’s more that we send away too much of what we have. Just as there is more than enough land in Brazil and Maine for everyone who desires to make their lives as farmers and rural people. But car insurance, health insurance, mortgages, food budgets, electricity, interest, student loans…if we could keep half of all the money that is siphoned off every day into out-of-state and out-of-country banks our rural communities would be a heck of a lot better off.

Wendell Berry wrote that the place to start building durable local economies is through food. He wrote in his essay Conserving Communities:

“Such a start is attractive because it does not have to be big or costly, it requires nobodys permission, and it can ultimately involve everybody. It does not require us to beg for mercy from our exploiters or to look for help where consistently we have failed to find it. By “local food economy” I mean simply an economy in which local consumers buy as much of their food as possible from local producers and in which local producers produce as much as they can for the local market.”

Maine once had durable local economies, replaced now by the global marketplace, absentee owners, and our near total dependency. Pointing fingers and demanding accountability is easy, rebuilding the food production infrastructure of rural Maine is going to be a challenge. It requires pathfinding people producing a diverse array of food locally. It also requires a diversity of people at all levels of decision making.

Back in January, Food for Maine’s Future delivered a letter to the 125th Maine Legislature and the office of Gov. Paul LePage asking for protections for Maine’s remaining family farms. We asked the State of Maine to look into how monopoly control by agribusiness corporations is hurting Maine farms of all sizes. Nearly 200 individuals, small farms and businesses, and community organizations from around Maine and the U.S. signed on to the letter in support. We received no response to our letter from either the Legislative leadership or the Governor’s office.

In light of recent passage of the landmark Local Food and Community Self-Governance Ordinance in three Maine towns, Food for Maine’s Future is circulating this Open Letter in Support of Maine Family Farms a second time for additional signatures.** This request for your support comes on the heels of the State of Maine’s official response to passage of the Local Food and Community Self-Governance Ordinance.

In a letter to the Town of Blue Hill dated April 6, the Maine Department of Agriculture declared the Local Food and Community Self-Governance Ordinance to be illegal, citing it as a violation of the State’s powers to preempt local decision making. The letter from Commissioner Walter Whitcomb states that “persons who fail to comply will be subject to enforcement, including the removal from sale of products from unlicensed sources and/or the imposition of fines.”

While many see the Local Food and Community Self-Governance Ordinance as an important building block for the economic and social well-being of rural Maine, the official position of the State of Maine is that it is a threat to public health and order.

Rather than policing face-to-face food sales and arguing over who gets to make the rules for our towns, wouldn’t we be better off using public dollars to resolve the underlying problems that have created the need for such ordinances in the first place?

Please take a moment to add your name to the Open Letter in Support of Maine Family Farms. Tell the Legislature and Governor that farm foreclosures, monopoly control of our food supply, and the intimidation of small-scale food producers by state and federal authorities are simply unacceptable.

Sign the letter here!

The Open Letter in Support of Maine Family Farms will again be delivered to the Legislature and Governor’s office before the end of the legislative session, June 17. Your attendance is encouraged. Notice of the date and time will be forthcoming.

And check out these resources about the growing movement for food sovereignty in Maine and around the world.

April 17th International Day of Peasant Struggles

Local Food Local Rules

Food for Maine’s Future

Globalize the struggle!
Globalize hope!

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Family Farmers to Protest Price Fixing Outside CME – Fri. April 15th 12:00 Noon, 141 W. Jackson in Chicago

To mark Via Campesina’s International Day of Peasant Struggle, family farmers and their allies will once again be converging on the doorstep of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) – 141 W. Jackson – at Noon on Fri. April 15th to expose the price fixing by commodity speculators that is behind the ongoing global food crisis.

Dairy farmers in particular are calling upon the Dept. of Justice (DoJ) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to take action against the food giants that are continuing to defy anti-trust rules and manipulate markets for their own private gain.    For more on the corruptive influences behind the CME, see below.

From 5:30 – 7:30 pm on Fri. April 15th, Family Farm Defenders would also like to invite the public for a local food potluck and open forum on Sowing Seeds of Solidarity.  Come learn more about Via Campesina and the struggle for food sovereignty and economic justice at home and abroad.  This event will be held at the Unit 2 Art Collective, 2041 W Carroll Ave., in Chicago.

For watch a YouTube video of the CME protest, click here:

Below is the text of a fact sheet distributed at the protest:

CME – Corporate Auction Block for Global Free Trade

Ever wonder who really sets the “free market” price for your food? Why would people in Brazil, South Africa, Japan, India, or Australia, care so much about what a handful of traders are doing in Chicago?

What is the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)?

Founded in 1898 as the non-profit Chicago Butter and Egg Board, the CME has since grown into the world’s largest private trading clearinghouse. Each day an elite group gathers at the CME in downtown Chicago to swap commodities such as cheese, carbon credits, pork bellies, and fertilizer. Within seconds this “thin” market reverberates around the globe, affecting farmgate prices and grocery bills for billions of people.  In 2002 the CME went public, issuing its own stock, and in 2007 acquired the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) for $8 billion as one of its designated contract markets (DCMs).  In 2008 the CME Group bought out another rival, the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) for $8.9 billion, and in 2009 also acquired the Dow Jones Indexes.  In 2008 the CME reported revenues in excess of $2.5 billion, handling over a billion contracts worth $1,000+ trillion dollars.  While some human shouting still occurs in the pit, over 70% of CME trading happens quietly behind the scenes through its Globex electronic platform.  Beyond its headquarters in Chicago, the CME also has offices in New York, Houston, Washington DC, Sydney, Singapore, London, Hong Kong, and Tokyo.  Craig Donohue has been the CEO of CME Group since 2007 and took home $4.7 million in salary and stock options in 2009.

CME – Insider Trading Cloaked in Secrecy

Because the CME is a private corporation, it is not subject to the same transparency and accountability rules governing public agencies. While the CME often fondly invokes the public trust doctrine, its primary fiduciary responsibility is to its private investors. In this respect, the undemocratic character of the CME fits well with that of other global free trade entities such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, and the World Trade Organization (WTO) – all of which are run by unelected officials who ostensibly police themselves. According to the CME’s own mission statement, “Integrity and openness are critical. We expect the highest ethical standards from our employees and market participants. We rigorously regulate our markets.” Many of those who have been victimized by the CME would beg to differ.

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) is charged with overseeing the CME, but since much of the manipulation involves commodity cash trading, the CFTC can only intervene if this corruption trickles over into futures markets.  In 2004 the Dept. of Justice in conjunction with twenty three State Attorney Generals began an anti-trust investigation of collusion by the dairy giants at the CME, but this effort was stymied by the Bush White House and has yet to be fully pursued by the Obama administration.  In 2008 the CFTC did find Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) guilty of price rigging at the CME and levied a $12 million fine.  Unfortunately, much more needs to be done to free farmers and consumers from the unfettered greed of corporate power that currently dominates the CME in Chicago.

How Can You Help Bring Fair Trade to the Global Food Market?

Contact the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to demand a democratic overhaul of the CME that prevents corporate price fixing:

CFTC, 1155 21st St. NW, Washington, DC 20581   tel. (202) 418-5000

Contact the Senate Judiciary Committee to demand a thorough Congressional and U.S. Dept. of Justice (DoJ) investigation of unfair trading practices at the CME:

Patrick Leahy – chair (D-VT), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Herb Kohl (D-WI), Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Dick Durbin (D-IL) – Congressional Switchboard #202-224-3121

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Family Farm Defenders Joins Sixty Others in Filing Suit Against Monsanto’s Patent

For immediate release:                          3/29/11


Joel Greeno – FFD vice president  #608-463-7634

John E. Peck, FFD exec. director  #608-260-0900

Dan Ravitcher, PubPat exec. director #212-461-1902

Family Farm Defenders Joins Sixty Others in Filing Suit Against Monsanto’s Patent

Preemptive Action Seeks Ruling That Would Prohibit Monsanto From Suing Non-GMO Farmers and Seed Growers If Contaminated

NEW YORK – March 29, 2011 – On behalf of 60 family farmers, seed businesses and organic agricultural organizations, the Public Patent Foundation (PUBPAT) filed suit today against Monsanto Company to challenge the chemical giant’s patents on genetically modified seed.  The plaintiffs were forced to sue preemptively to protect themselves from being accused of patent infringement should they ever become contaminated by Monsanto’s genetically modified seed, something Monsanto has done to others in the past.

The case, Organic Seed Growers & Trade Association, et al. v. Monsanto, was filed in federal district court in Manhattan and assigned to Judge Naomi Buchwald.  Plaintiffs in the suit represent a broad array of family farmers, small businesses and organizations from within the sustainable agriculture community who are increasingly threatened by genetically modified seed contamination despite using their best efforts to avoid it.  The plaintiff organizations have over 270,000 members, and includes Family Farm Defenders, based in Madison, WI.

“This case asks whether Monsanto has the right to sue organic farmers for patent infringement if Monsanto’s transgenic seed should land on their property,” said Dan Ravicher, PUBPAT’s Executive Director and Lecturer of Law at Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law in New York . “It seems quite perverse that an organic farmer contaminated by transgenic seed could be accused of patent infringement, but Monsanto has made such accusations before and is notorious for having sued hundreds of farmers for patent infringement, so we had to act to protect the interests of our clients.”

The threat of GMOs goes beyond organic, threatening the livelihood of conventional farmers, as well.  Joel Greeno, Vice President of Family Farm Defenders spoke to this effect at the USDA/DOJ anti-trust hearing on corporate control of the seed industry in Ankeny, IA on March 12th, 2010. “Monsanto does not have the right to dictate the value of my life, my work, and the food I produce,” he testified before U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, and hundreds of other family farmers, consumer advocates, and public officials.  By the end of March one of the few remaining independent seed companies in the Midwest – hundred year old Kaltenberg Seeds i based n Waunakee,WI – was driven out of business by the monopoly power of Monsanto. The DoJ has yet to take any anti-trust action against Monsanto, leaving farmers with virtually no GMO-free choices for seed.

“The USDA’s approval of Monsanto’s Round Up Ready alfalfa on Jan. 28th, 2011 was really the last straw for us,” noted John E. Peck, executive director of Family Farm Defenders. “Despite overwhelming public opposition, the Obama White House still chose to support the short-term profitability of corporate agribusiness over the long-term livelihood of dairy farmers, bee keepers, horse owners, and others who depend upon the genetic integrity of alfalfa for their existence.  The only recourse left to our family farmer members was to join this lawsuit and challenge the legitimacy of the absurd patent rights the government has granted to Monsanto.”

PUBPAT is asking Judge Buchwald to declare that if farmers are ever contaminated by Monsanto’s genetically modified seed, they need not fear also being accused of patent infringement.  One reason justifying this result is that Monsanto’s patents on genetically modified seed are invalid because they don’t meet the “usefulness” criterion of federal patent law.  Evidence cited by PUBPAT in its opening filing today proves that genetically modified seed has negative economic and health effects, while the promised benefits of genetically modified seed – increased production and decreased herbicide use – are false.

For a full copy of the lawsuit:

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Pull Together – Farmer Labor Tractorcade is a Roaring Success!

Fifty three tractors turned up in Madison for the Farmer Labor Tractorade on Sat. March 12th and met an enthusiastic crowd some reports say was the largest yet at 100,000+ people.  There were also a couple of manure spreaders with a clear message about what rural folks feel about the political shenanigans at the State Capitol.  Contrary to some media pundits,  the struggle for justice is NOT over in Wisconsin, and this powerful expression of working class solidarity from Wisconsin family farmers has given many more the heart and strength to stand up for what is right and fair for EVERYONE  – not just what is cheap and quick for Gov. Walker and his wealthy corporate donors.  An injury to one is an injury to all!

Here is the link to a 30 minute video on the Tractorcade produced by Max Balhorn of Macalester College:

Here is coverage of the tractorcade from Democracy Now:

Here is the speech of  FFD board member, Tony Schultz, from the rally on YouTube:

You can also see another interview with FFD vice president, Joel Greeno, on why he organized the tractorcade at:

Another YouTube video of the tractorcade done by Pam Porter can be found at:

This is a link to an  interview with Joel Greeno and Tony Schultz on MSNBC:

And here is an interview with FFD executive director, John Peck, on why WI family farmers wanted to stage the tractorcade:

You can also see pictures from the tractorcade posted at:×625304

There are some photos of the tractors on the New York Times website:

Here is a striking set of black and white farmer portraits from the tractorcade:

Gabrielle Fine also took some photos she wanted to share via Flickr:

And FFD board member, Ruth Simpson, posted photos she took on Facebook:

Some additional media coverage of the event includes:

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Family Farms and Unions: Wisconsin Farmers on Collective Bargaining as a Farming Issue

Some farmers are supporting union workers in Madison, WI who oppose a state bill that would cut collective bargaining for government employees.

Here is FFD board member and organic dairy farmer, Jim Goodman, speaking at a rally at the WI State Capitol on March 5th about why farmers and workers are in the same fight.

And here is an article discussing the same issue, featuring another WI dairy farmer and FFD vice president, Joel Greeno:

By Beth Borzone

Farm Fresh – Colesville Patch (Silver Spring, MD) 2/25/11

Five or six times a year Joel Greeno takes out his 1935 Allis Chalmers WC tractor to offer tractor rides in his Wisonsin community.

“We have a potluck dinner and go for a 35 to 40-mile tractor ride, come back and eat the leftovers, and then go back home and do chores,” Greeno describes, explaining that it’s a chance to enjoy life, have a good time with friends and get away from everything.  Now, he’s hoping to use his tractor on Saturday in a tractorcade of protests in Madison, WI.

“We applied for a police permit to take my tractor down and parade it around the capitol in support of the workers, but I haven’t heard back if they granted our permit or not, so we’ll see.  So if I don’t get that, I may just go down Saturday and partake in events.”

Greeno is a dairy farmer and Vice President of Family Farm Defenders, a Wisconsin organization that has been working to support union members demonstrating in Madison.

Demonstrators are challenging a bill in the Wisconsin state legislature that would end collective bargaining for public employees. The bill passed the Assembly on Friday and is moving towards the Senate.

Greeno and other family farmers in his organization fear that the bill affecting the union workers will also hurt them.

“This issue of collective bargaining rights hits a little bit close to home,” Greeno explained. “I founded a dairy co-op here in Wisconsin 12 years ago called Scenic Central Milk Producers. And that’s grown from the smallest co-op in the U.S. to the 40th largest in the U.S. now.

“Collective bargaining rights are the principles that all of our co-ops operate on.  And if they start eroding collective bargaining rights for workers, farmers in co-ops are just next on the chopping block, so if we don’t stand together and defend our rights, we all going to take cuts in turn.”

Greeno is also concerned that the bill could make it harder for family farmers to get healthcare.

“One of the things that’s involved in this bill 1318 is that it would give the governor and the Department of Health full authority at will to make decisions on Medicaid and the Wisconsin Badger Care program,” Greeno said. “It would be one thing if they had good intentions, but their intentions are to cut those programs to bare bones.  Many of our state’s farmers’ only health care is the badger care because they can’t afford anything else.”

John E. Peck, executive director of Family Farm Defenders, agrees.  “One of the reasons the farmers are concerned is that it also affects our badger care which is our state Medicare/Medicaid program.  A lot of farmers have no healthcare except what they can get from these taxpayer-subsidized programs.  That’s been a big deal for a lot of farmers.”

Peck is also concerned that the bill could hurt farmers who participate in Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs in which members of the community buy shares in return for a percentage of the harvest. Many of the CSA members are teachers and public service workers.

“Consumers won’t be able to have as much money if their wages are cut,” Peck said. “The recession is bad enough already. Why make it worse by taking away what few benefits and living wages that people do have thanks to the labor unions?  It doesn’t make much sense.”

“Everybody deserves a living wage, not just a few people.  Farmers understand that because they are always at the bottom of the pile,” Peck continued.  “I think that’s why they can empathize with the workers. It’s just not fair.  It’s a human rights issue.”

In addition to Greeno’s tractorcade, Farm Family Defenders has been supporting the demonstrators in Madison by bringing them food.

“We had one farmer who brought 10 gallons of milk fresh from his cows,” Peck said, adding that he’s heard that people from around the country, even the world have been ordering pizzas on-line for the workers occupying the capital.

“What we’re seeing in the capitol in Wisconsin right now is that people are organizing themselves, they’re realizing that they can do things on their own.  You can do a lot of stuff on the local level,” he said.

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