Author Archives: admin

Tipping the ‘sacred cow’: Report calls out big-money agribusiness interests, pushes for CAFO moratorium

By: Danielle Endvick, Country Today, 12/9/2013 A report recently released by the Wisconsin Environment Research and Policy Center, a statewide, citizen-based environmental advocacy group, links more large dairy operations in Wisconsin and the weakening of the state’s clean water standards … Continue reading

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Fall 2013 FFD Newsletter is Now Available!

You can download our most recent newsletter below.  We also encourage folks to reprint material from our newsletter and website as long as the writing remains common property and credit is given to the original source of the article. If … Continue reading

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Midwest Haitian Food Sovereignty Tour with the 2013 Winners of the World Food Soveriegnty Prize!

 joint UofC-UIC poster Chicago Events – Tues. Oct. 22nd Tues. Oct. 22nd 12:00 noon Harper 140, UChicago (1116 E. 59th St.) Presentation by the winners of this year’s World Food Sovereignty Prize, Rose Edith Germain, veteran leader of the … Continue reading

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Family Farm Defenders Presents its Fourth Annual Wisconsin “Land of 10,000 Lagoons” Awards at the World Dairy Expo! Dairy Farmers Deliver Giant “Be A Good Co-op” Postcard Signed by Hundreds of Farm Aid Concert Attendees to Land O’ Lakes Expo Reps

For Immediate Release 10/2/13 Contact: John E. Peck, FFD executive director  #608-260-0900 or #608-345-3918 Joel Greeno, FFD vice president  #608-344-0564 Fri. Oct. 4th  11:00 am  Main Entrance to Alliant Energy Center (off Rimrock Road/Cty MM near the corner with John … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Family Farm Defenders Presents its Fourth Annual Wisconsin “Land of 10,000 Lagoons” Awards at the World Dairy Expo! Dairy Farmers Deliver Giant “Be A Good Co-op” Postcard Signed by Hundreds of Farm Aid Concert Attendees to Land O’ Lakes Expo Reps

Hundreds Rally in Madison, WI on Sat. Aug. 10th to Oppose Fast Track and Passage of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)! Contact Congress NOW to Oppose TPP #202-224-3121

Hundreds of people attended the Flush the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) rally that was held in Madison, WI on Sat. Aug. 10th.  Participants included folks attending both the national Vets for Peace conference and the Democracy Convention occuring back to … Continue reading

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